Elementary 3-4 Course Teaching Instructions

Course Overview

Elementary 3.0 & Elementary 4.0 course is for 10 weeks on weekday evenings. The weekend intensive version would be 3 hours per week to learn one Unit. The two courses will teach Mandarin.World 中文世界 Level 2 Book B.

Students will join as

Elementary learners who are exposed to more and more natural Chinese conversations, who can organise language to respond to some contexts while travelling in China, who can memorise 300+ words.

Students will graduate as

  • Confident to understand up to 90% of a 200 words conversation via reading or listening
  • Retained 500-600 words
  • Learnt 30+ more grammar points
  • Learnt 80 more Hanzi
  • Can use Chinese to have a conversation about lifestyle, personal skills, pros and cons, dating profiles, making new friends and even going Karaoke

Key grammar points covered in this course

  • Practise verb complement of degree extensively 程度补语
  • Understand the use of separable verbs 离合词
  • How to compare actions
  • Verb and adjective duplicating
  • The use of prepositions like 对
  • More conjunction pairs
  • Chinese number system


The Students

To start off, your students might have done Elementary 1.0 and Elementary 2.0 courses, which means they have been exposed to the concept of 动词补语. So the new version of 程度补语 is going to be a little bit easier to introduce to them. Remember to read and understand them beforehand yourself.

Still, some grammar structures might be easy to construct when you break the sentences down, it doesn’t mean your students will voluntarily or consciously use them. You can always spot when they are not using it, then it’s ok to gently remind them and correct them. Here are quite so often the mistakes they might make: 我吃了很快。我不吃很快。我说中文不好。我比你很高。我没去过了北京。 However, there is no need for them to be error-free. Be encouraging rather than punishing.

In general, in order not to let this level become so study heavy, it’s recommended to spend more time on fluency practice. They are designed to practice the grammar points or words learnt. Your students will find that more relaxing than grammar drills. Some grammar points are not extremely important like 动词或者形容词重叠, or 大数字, navigate around them depending on your class.

Again, your students now have the ability to read the story and do some fluency practice independently. Give them time. The higher the level, the less teaching you will have to do. The more time you will have to allocate for students to practice in pairs or in groups. The ratio should be about 30% teacher, 70% teacher. Remember, it’s an active engaging class, not a meeting! When students are doing pair or group work, be an observer, walk around or go to Zoom rooms to help them out.

It’s now also a good time to introduce more Chinese culture, play your favourite song before class, have a cultural experience like drinking tea in class etc. In general, make it fun, less heavy!

We use our own coursebooks for students. Make sure to read and understand all our material thoroughly before each lesson. This process will equip you with the required subject knowledge and confidence.

1) Main textbook: Level 2 Book B, Elementary 3.0 will teach Lesson 1-5, Elementary 4.0 will teach Lesson 6-10.

2) Hanzi coursebook: Hanzi Level 2 Book 2

3) Digital material: Course Kahoot, Course Quizlet, Hanzi Quizlet, Review podcasts

Please request access to Zoho folder below:

Zoho Material Folder
Podcasts Download


The Materials

Important Learning Tools & Links

Games & Activities

For in person classes

  • Each lesson in the book has a goodie folder in the office.
  • For each lesson, we have a Vocab Bingo,听力抢答,惩罚卡 ect for activities
  • For Hanzi, we have two sets of 我有…, 谁有…game, which you can play for 2-4 times in your course.

For online classes

  • You can try to use the material if it works, or stick to the online interactive games like Kahoot, Quizlet.

Immersive Videos

  • We have produced some videos before for this level of students, the content might not match the book, but you can do some listening practise with your students whenever you see suitable.
Level 2 Videos for listening

Term start & Term end

Term start & Term end

  • For Elementary 2.0 term start, we have some Icebreaker cards to get students talking in Chinese again.
  • We also have a Listen Up 听力抢答问题 that you can get the students to play with penalty cards.
  • There are also vocabulary flashcards or Quizlet sets from Elementary 1.0 course that you can use as refresher.
  • For term end, you can have one of our cultural experience for your last lesson (if you haven’t had one yet during the course) or ask head office for a small graduation gifts for your students.
  • Make sure to make the graduation rather ceremonial, exciting! Take tons of photos please!
  • We also encourage you to take students out for a graduation meal.


  • Access to each lesson Kahoot tests below.
  • It’s an interactive assessment tool, try to avoid students getting too competitive or frustrated by it
  • Control your time with this section, it’s normally about 10 mins max, best after students learn grammar or when they need a bit of fun!
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10


  • Sign up to this course Quizlet class first, you and your students will need to request for access, headoffice will approve when the requests come through.
  • Look at the video, learn to use Quizlet functions, especially Live Group Game.
  • Encourage students to use Quizlet to review words after lessons. Here below is the installation instructions.

Instructions to install Quizlet

  1. Install Quizlet from your App Store
  2. Sign Up an account
  3. Join the class here: https://quizlet.com/join/ADU9J7feK 
  4. Wait for PM approval (within 24hrs), refresh the App to have access
Sign up to this Class

Teaching Plan Download

How to use these teaching plans?

These teaching plans help you to form a structured course, giving you time reference to control the class progress to inline with other classes. But it’s not limiting you to other ways of teaching the class the way that suits you.

10 Week Lesson Plan
Zoho Material Folder

How To Teach

Fluency Main Course

Our fluency coursebook has a standard format, which includes 3 main sections – Tutorial, Fluency practice, Immersion. Each lesson has a standard format – tutorial 导入, story 读对话, comprehension 阅读理解, vocab workshop 解释新词, grammar workshop 语法学习, assessment 测试, fluency practice 口语练习, homework 作业, immersion 课后听看.

At the back of the book, there are all answers to the lesson, especially where grammar points were explained properly. Make sure to read this part beforehand, so you know how to explain to students without confusing yourself or over-explaining certain concepts.

Our sample teaching plan offers an overview of a sample lesson flow, but teachers are encouraged to treat each lesson with their own creativity and with reference to students’ needs.

  • This level starts to have some more complicated grammar concepts, such as verb complements of degree 程度补语 and separable verbs 离合词, which are explained and learned in several lessons across the whole book. Therefore, it is important to familiarise yourself with the whole syllabus/textbook even when you are only able to start teaching Lesson 1.
  • Due to this feature, be prepared with students’ questions that might need ‘future knowledge’ to provide a satisfactory answer. Thus, signposting related forthcoming content might be helpful along the teaching journey.
  • Not all native speakers always know the rules of their mother tongue. Not all linguists always know how to explain grammar in simple English. We wrote our version with very careful consideration, so it’s a good reference for you.
  • Always seek opportunities to scaffold students’ learning by 1) modifying the length of sentences, grammar and vocabulary to the level that students can understand 2) encouraging them to use the newly learnt grammar structures

How To Teach


Jazzing Up

The Flow

  • Prepare well and know well your teaching plan – what steps to carry out and how much time is allocated to each step? Transit to different steps naturally and smoothly.
  • The format or teaching flow of each lesson does not need to be the same all the time. A diversified teaching flow is proved to work well by our experienced teachers. For instance, Fluency Practice is often used towards the end of a lesson. However, some of its activities can also be used as revision at the beginning of the next lesson. Grammar Workshop often comes after Story Time; however, it can also be learnt before Story Time to facilitate their understanding. Thus, feel free to mix and match different steps and create diversified and dynamic teaching formats.
  • Make good use of our Course Kahoot and Course Quizlet games, which are proved to be useful tools to bring excitement and fun in the classroom.
  • Allocate 10 – 15 minutes each lesson for Hanzi. However, as each lesson has quite a bit of content and Hanzi to cover, it is possible to leave this part as homework. Be flexible.
  • Hanzi Level 2 books are designed to guide students to master the key foundational Hanzi from each lesson of their main textbook, via a selection of interactive activities, such as differentiating single component characters from compound characters, recognising characters of the same radicals or sound component, differentiating sound alike characters, differentiating look alike characters, and etc.
  • In order to explain to students why certain Hanzi is the way it is, we have written answer sheets, it’s highly recommended to read them before class! It’s possible, sometimes these explanations are hard to comprehend, you can make it light by joking “I also don’t understand why ancient Chinese people see it this way”, “these Hanzi were created so long ago, that we have put on the caveman think cap” for example. Don’t just read them out, make it fun.
  • For in person class, we will print the Hanzi books for you, for online class, please encourage students to print them out, and write them with pen and paper.

How To Teach


How To Teach

Before & After Class

Before the first lesson

  • Well prepared – material reviewed, teaching plan done, joined all of the digital resources, collected all of the books, tested your computer with screen etc.
  • No need to be nervous. Remember you are equal to the students, they will be just as friendly as you can imagine.

During the first lesson 

  • If it’s a new class, you don’t see all students joining your what’sapp group, please invite them verbally. You can say this to let them understand the importance of joining the group:

“Please join our class what’sapp group, it’s a study group created for us, I will be sending you learning material lesson by lesson, review podcast after each lesson, and your homework submission would be within the group too. It’s also useful when we have tech issue, or running late etc. “

  • If you want to use Quizlet for your first lesson, some of your students might not have it, please instruct them. (See Quizlet section below)

After each lesson 

  • Learning team will send students links and instructions to download App and material etc.
  • It’s highly recommended to send students homework and the lesson Review Podcasts right after the lesson. Most students wouldn’t necessarily download the podcasts themselves, also it helps students who are absent to make up the lesson. By sending it right after the lesson, it helps the students to create a habit to listen to it. It’s proven to HELP them a lot to retain the words learnt, and listen better.


  • Since learning tasks are quite heavy in this level, homework would mostly just be assessment and sentence workshop to help students review. Some super diligent students might choose to do Writing Club. 
  • We encourage students to submit their writing homework using Hanzi typing or audio speech at Elementary stage.
  • Give them encouragements when they do. As teachers, you will find yourself super proud of their progress each time you hear their homework.

What If These Happens?

Demo Lesson Videos

Best way to use these recordings to get familiar with contents that you will be teaching, how to do the tutorials and how to organise the activities

Term Start

Tutorial + Story Flow 1

Tutorial + Fluency Flow 2

Vocab Workshop

Grammar Workshop

Fluency Practise

Listen Up Game

Hanzi Learning

Assessment / Homework Checking

Term End

  • Conclude the course on what they have learnt

  • Play games or bring an experience to the class

  • Encourage students to continue their learning journey

  • Go out, have a gala Chinese meal and make friends

Online Demo Lessons

Classroom and Zoom Lessons, these lessons are not edited, with some comments to give you a heads up on what could happen in your class.

The general theme you can see from these sample lessons are teachers might have styles of their own, but they focus on engaging the students to participate all along.