If the answer is YES, awesome! 太好了!

You might have your logical heads on thinking – Chinese is the world’s most widely spoken language, China is the world’s biggest economy now, and having a Chinese certificate looks really good on your resume! (We strongly suggest you take up our 2 x 12 weeks Beginner courses to achieve HSK I certificate by the end.)

Or you might just want to take up a challenge, and see where it leads you. (We strongly suggest you try out our 6 weeks Taster Beginner course to test the water. )

But you might have heard that learning Chinese is not easy! There are hurdles on the way we have to warn you, for example:

The Tones – practise and practise!

The Characters – it’s logical and you just need to grow a liking to them to install them into your brain.

Good news, the grammar is pretty logic and easier than other languages that use masculine and feminine forms.

So if learning a new language is on your 2015 New Year Resolutions, why not give Chinese / Mandarin a go?