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learn Mandarin London - Christmas event - Practical Mandarin


Top 5 Mistakes Students Make at Beginner Level

October 8th, 2019|Learning Mandarin|

Using a verb “to be” connecting an adjective: Wǒ shì shuài. 我是帅。 In Chinese, “adverb + adj” can be used as a predicate directly without adding a “be” verb. Therefore, the pattern would be “Subject + Degree Adverb + Adjective”. The correct way to say I am handsome would be: Wǒ hěn shuài 我很帅。 Wrong Pronunciation This is probably the most common mistake among all Chinese learners, and one of the hardest to correct. Some words can sound very [...]


Introduce Hacking Chinese

April 22nd, 2015|Learning Mandarin|

Today we would like to introduce one of the prominent Chinese blogs out there on the net - Hacking Chinese. It's easy to find Hacking Chinese online, as it's started since 2012, with Olle Linge's dedicated effort of unique [...]

How to write Chinese characters?

April 18th, 2015|Learning Mandarin|

We have to start by saying the Chinese writing system is one of the most beautiful and ancient writing systems in the world. We are not trying to make things complicated but there are two forms of writing in [...]

Chinese Tones are Easy!

April 14th, 2015|Learning Mandarin|

Believe it or not, Chinese Tones are so Easy! Most of our students can tell the difference and pronounce the four tones within 15 mins in our class. What is interesting that we found is when no one has [...]

Introduce our Bespoke Flashcards via Quizlet

March 28th, 2015|Learning Mandarin|

Exciting to showcase our bespoke Flashcards for each of our class. Students now can review their lessons, essential vocabularies and sentences using their phone to join Quizlet, and have access to Practical Mandarin sets. Think about the 30 mins [...]

How to learn Mandarin?

March 25th, 2015|Learning Mandarin|

How to learn a new language, you might have read somewhere, quoting suggestions like: - Talk to native speakers with the first 50 words you learn - Use post-it in your house, around you to name items - Reset [...]

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