Today we would like to introduce one of the prominent Chinese blogs out there on the net – Hacking Chinese.

It’s easy to find Hacking Chinese online, as it’s started since 2012, with Olle Linge’s dedicated effort of unique content contribuction to the Chinese learner community, the blog now has already a good following. Today, it has a great Resources Channel that covers a wide range of vocabulary, grammar, speaking as well as living in China discussions. There is also the blog section where Olle shares his point of view.

We couldn’t help but noticing Olle’s Confucius quote: 授人以鱼不如授人以渔, in English literally means “giving someone a fish is not as good as teaching someone how to fish”.

As a teacher, I often think it’s great pleasure to teach something that the students will remember all the time, however, not via “spoon-feeding”. To achieve such goal, we have employ visual presentation in class with our PPT. We introduce a lesson gradually like a story, with the keywords and sentences already taught before we reach out to the book and read the texts. In such way, it’s much easier for students to have better impression on the key points of the lesson, instead of lines of texts in the book. After that, we would give students context to act out a dialogue with the classmates and use the words / sentences we just learnt.

Olle Linge seems to take the same approach as us, by talking about “how to learn Chinese” rather than giving the readers a lists of contents to study. That’s why we would like to introduce his blog to our students or any Chinese learners to see some good learning perspectives from Olle.