Verbal Test Instructions

Further Beginner

(Level 1)

  1. 你叫什么名字?
  2. 你是哪里人?你爸爸妈妈是哪里人?他们住在哪里?
  3. 你认识很多中国朋友吗?
  4. 你喜欢吃中国菜吗?
  5. 用中文,怎么说 I am learning Chinese. (我正在学习中文。)
  6. 用中文,怎么说 I went running this morning. (我今天早上去了跑步。)
  7. 用中文,怎么说 I have not been to China. (我没去过中国。)
    (if students cannot answer the last 3 questions, then they should go to Beginner 2.0 to start learning Verb aspects.)


(Level 2)

  1. 你叫什么?你有中文名字吗?
  2. 你在哪里上班?你工作忙不忙?
  3. 你喜欢旅行吗?/你想去哪里旅行?
  4. 你为什么要学习中文?
  5. 你会看汉字吗?会看多少个汉字?
  6. 用中文,怎么说 Sorry I said it wrong. (对不起,我说错了)
  7. 用中文,怎么说 You speak Chinese very well? (你说中文说得很好。 你的中文说得很好。)
  8. 用中文,怎么说 I have lived in London for 2 years. (我在伦敦住了两年了。)
  9. 用中文,怎么说 The person wearing a red dress is my Chinese friend. (穿着红色裙子的人是我的中国朋友。)
    (if students can or cannot answer the last 3 questions, would decide if Beginner 3.0 is more suitable or one of the Elementary courses)


(Level 3)

  1. 你做什么工作?你在哪里上班?
  2. 你从家里怎么去上班?
  3. 你去过什么国家?
  4. 你为什么要学习中文?
  5. 你学中文学了多长时间了?
  6. 你会看汉字吗?会看多少个汉字?
  7. 用中文,怎么说 I don’t like McDonald’s at all. (我一点儿也不喜欢麦当劳。)
  8. 用中文,怎么说 Your Chinese speaking is better and better. (你的中文说得越来越好。)
  9. 用中文,怎么说 I forgot your birthday!(我把你的生日忘了。/ 我忘了你的生日。)
    (if students can or cannot answer the last 3 questions, would decide if Elementary is more suitable. Especially if they don’t read Hanzi well, they should go down to Elementary level. If they can read Hanzi, then Level 3 lessons are not as fast paced, they can join.)


(Level 4)

  1. 你在中国住过吗?在哪里?你觉得那个城市怎么样?
  2. 你学中文学了多长时间了?你为什么要学习中文?
  3. 你会看汉字吗?会看多少个汉字?
  4. 你觉得学中文最难的是什么?
  5. 你觉得会说中文,对找工作有好处吗?
  6. 你喜欢上网购物吗?你常常在哪个网站买东西?买什么?
  7. 用中文,怎么说 environmental protection, mental health, success, creativity, education, nature, technology
    (if students have good verbal communicative skills on these topics, they can stay for Level 4, a lot of BBC students would understand well, but don’t have a good level of vocabularies on specific topics, this level would be useful for them.)