Entry Beginner Course Teaching Instructions

Course Overview

The Entry Beginner course is for 10 weeks on weekday evenings or 5 weeks intensive over Saturdays.

Students will join as

complete beginner or beginner who has learnt on an App or with a friend before.

Students will graduate as

  • Can read and pronounce Pinyin
  • Retained 80-150 words
  • Learnt 30+ grammar points,
  • Understand the foundation of Hanzi, learnt 60 Hanzi
  • Can do a confident self-introduction in Chinese covering name, nationality, residence, family, jobs, contact details, weekly schedule, likes and dislikes, and how to be polite.
  • Acquire learning tools and strategies to take further beginner courses

Key grammar points covered in this course

  • All Pinyin pronunciations 学会拼音
  • Basic Chinese word orders 学会基本句序
  • How to ask and answer yes or no questions, and questions asking ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘how old’, ‘how many’ and ‘how’ 提问和回答
  • How to use adjectives, adverbs and measure words in Chinese 基本词性


The Students

To start off, we must understand students are mostly complete beginners. Put yourself in their shoes to imagine your first-day attending say a Russian or Greek lesson. How would you feel?

You might not have any idea of how the language works! You might even have some preconceptions that Mandarin is a very difficult language to learn, as it is a tonal language with a challenging writing system. You might find the sounds very alien and difficult! You might be full of curiosity and questions! The same thing is going through your students’ heads.

The key thing is to show students it’s actually EASY to learn Chinese, for example, only 409 syllabi, could be easy to read and speak with Pinyin! So in no time, they can conduct a conversation in Chinese already. At the same time, Chinese characters are fun! They have stories behind them. We won’t teach them different Hanzi and how to handwrite each Hanzi at the beginner stage.

Lastly, remember to ask students to use Quizlet flashcards, and our review podcasts after class to revise. And encourage students to submit audio homework each week into their class group! This is very motivating to the class as a group.

We use our own course books for students. Make sure to read and understand all our material thoroughly before each lesson. This process will equip you with the required subject knowledge and confidence.

1) Main textbook: Discover Chinese 1, includes 10 lessons.

2) Pinyin coursebook: Pinyin 1 Tune it Right, includes 10 lessons.

3) Hanzi coursebook: Hanzi Level 1 Book A, including 10 lessons.

4) Digital material: Course Kahoot, Pinyin Kahoot, Hanzi Quizlet, Review podcasts.

Please request access to Zoho folder below

Zoho Material Folder
Podcasts Download


The Materials

Important Learning Tools & Links

Games & Activities

For in person classes

  • There are games and activities designed to go along with the courses in a goodie bag in the office .
  • For Hanzi, we have two sets of 我有…, 谁有…game.
  • For Pinyin, we have Spelling Bee for the last lesson.
  • For each lesson, we have a 词汇转盘,for every other lesson we have 听力抢答,惩罚卡.
  • There is also 词汇卡 flashcards for your designed games of charades etc.

For online classes

  • You can try to use the material if it works, or stick to the online interactive games like Kahoot, Quizlet and Vocab Wheel below.
  • The 词汇转盘 Vocabulary Random Wheel links below is just to practise vocabulaires after each lesson.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10

Term start & Term end

Term start & Term end

  • For Entry Beginner term start, we’d prepare notepads and pens for the students.
  • For term end, the graduation test is at the back of the books, you can do that in 20-30mins.
  • You can also use the culture experience as a graduation ceremony or ask head office to prepare a little graduation gift for your students.
  • We also encourage you to take students out for a graduation meal where your meal will be reimbursed (£20 per class).
  • Make sure to make the graduation rather ceremonial, exciting! Take tons of photos please!


  • Access to each lesson Kahoot tests below.
  • It’s an interactive assessment tool, try to avoid students getting too competitive or frustrated by it
  • Control your time with this section, it’s normally about 10 mins max, best after students learn grammar or when they need a bit of fun!

Vocabulary & Grammar

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10


Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10


  • Sign up to this course Quizlet class first, you and your students will need to request for access, headoffice will approve when the requests come through.
  • Look at the video, learn to use Quizlet functions, especially Live Group Game.
  • Encourage students to use Quizlet to review words after lessons. Here below is the installation instructions.

Instructions to install Quizlet

  1. Install Quizlet from your App Store
  2. Sign Up an account
  3. Join the class here: https://quizlet.com/join/VqjzYjach
  4. Wait for PM approval (within 24hrs), refresh the App to have access
Sign up to this Class

Teaching Plan Download

How to use these teaching plans?

These teaching plans help you to form a structured course, giving you time reference to control the class progress to inline with other classes. But it’s not limiting you to other ways to teach the class your way or the way that best suits the students.

Regular 10 Week Version
Intensive 5 Week Version

How To Teach

Fluency Main Course

Our fluency coursebook has a standard format, which includes 3 main sections – Tutorial, Fluency practice, Immersion. Each lesson has a standard format – tutorial 导入, story 读对话, comprehension 阅读理解, CQ Boost 文化小知识, vocab workshop 解释新词, grammar workshop 语法学习, assessment 测试, fluency practice 口语练习, homework 作业, immersion 课后听看.

At the back of the book, there are all answers to the lesson, especially where grammar points were explained properly. Make sure to read this part beforehand, so you know how to explain to students without confusing yourself or over-explaining certain concepts.

Our sample teaching plan offers an overview of a sample lesson flow, but teachers are encouraged to treat each lesson with their own creativity and with reference to students’ needs.

  • Allocate about 15 minutes each lesson for Pinyin ideally at the beginning.
  • Often follows the format of ‘teacher tutorial, student drill and Kahoot assessment’
  • Encourage students to say it out loud and say it one by one
  • Always give them positive confirmation when they say it right
  • Correct students’ pronunciation by repeating the right pronunciation, finding a similar pronunciation in their native language, giving them useful tips. But do it with care. Do not make them feel they are stupid or slow to learn.
  • Pinyin 1 aims to teach all of the syllabus in Chinese, so make sure to follow lesson by lesson closely, don’t miss out the Songs, the games.
  • There are some rules that you might not be aware of,for example, 一 / 不的变声,三声变调, make sure you look it up first.

How To Teach


How To Teach


  • Allocate 10 – 15 minutes each lesson for Hanzi ideally at the end
  • Hanzi Level 1 books are designed to guide students to demystify, explore and get a feel of Hanzi. By using visual images, storytelling and history tracing, we aim to showcase that Hanzi are not chaotic, meaningless pictures. Rather, Hanzi was created with much rational thinking behind it. Oftentimes, students find this process fascinating.
  • Book A will aim to teach students the 4 different types of Hanzi and how to understand 60 of them.
  • Print out each lesson’s character writing square blocks (田字格) and encourage students to write and learn. This can be either done in class or as homework.
  • Hanzi Quizlet Live group game can be used as an assessment at the end of a lesson, or as a useful reviewing tool.

Before the first lesson

  • Well prepared – material reviewed, teaching plan done, joined all of the digital resources, collected all of the books, tested your computer with screen etc.
  • No need to be nervous. Remember you are equal to the students, they will be just as friendly as you can imagine.

During the first lesson 

  • If it’s a new class, you don’t see all students joining your what’sapp group, please invite them verbally. You can say this to let them understand the importance of joining the group:

“Please join our class what’sapp group, it’s a study group created for us, I will be sending you learning material lesson by lesson, review podcast after each lesson, and your homework submission would be within the group too. It’s also useful when we have tech issue, or running late etc. “

  • If you want to use Quizlet for your first lesson, some of your students might not have it, please instruct them. (See Quizlet section above)

After each lesson 

  • Learning team will send students links and instructions to download App and material etc.
  • It’s highly recommended to send students homework and the lesson Review Podcasts right after the lesson. Most students wouldn’t necessarily download the podcasts themselves, also it helps students who are absent to make up the lesson. By sending it right after the lesson, it helps the students to create a habit to listen to it. It’s proven to HELP them a lot to retain the words learnt, and listen better.


  • We encourage students to submit audio homework at beginner stage. 
  • Homeworks are prescribed already in our coursebooks, feel free to add more work to them if necessary.
  • Give them encouragements when they do. As teachers, you will find yourself super proud of their progress each time you hear their homework.

How To Teach

Before & After Class

What if these happens?

Demo Lesson Videos

Best way to use these recordings to get familiar with contents that you will be teaching, how to do the tutorials and how to organise the activities

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 4

Lesson 6


This teacher is very experienced with a lot of good teaching techniques to learn from. Her time control is very efficient, her instruction and tutorials are very precise. She knows the material very well, she’s able to deliver each part of the training effectively. she’s always energetic and smiley, students are very happy with her teaching!

The only thing to point out would be – too much teacher controlled time, perhaps it’s because it’s online. Teacher could give students a bit more practise time as pair work, so they also get to interact with classmates more. On the other hand, teacher likes to give too small a task, it ends up students will be asked 点名回答 tiny questions too many times.

Lesson 4



This teacher has a very likable, fun and relaxed vibe in her lessons. The class clearly is gelling together under her influence, students ask questions, make jokes, there are lots of laughters. She also designs her own activities for the class, brings in fun experience sometimes, her students become friends with her and with each other as a result.

The only thing to point out would be – time control is not very efficient, it could also be helpful to have some division in styles, teacher-led tutorial (listen to me now), and student-centered practise (pair work, presentations), so the lessons are more tight and well-paced.

Lesson 4



This teacher has experience teaching children, so she offers a lot of hand-holding to her students, she slows her speeches too. Students are following very well. She is very energetic, her voice and laugh is animated and infectious to bring a good mood to class.

The very obvious set back in this lessons is – teacher uses too much time to expand to other talking points, at the cost of the training focus. Pinyin training should be about learning and practising the pronunciations, not about learning words. It’s STRONGLY advised not to expand to other new words and grammar at Beginner even Elementary stage. Set the learning focus clearly, so students can achieve small milestones but not puzzled and frustrated by so many unkowns.

The other set back is the outcome of the “child-like” teaching – students will be child like, they are too careful and they will be less independent in practising and thinking. PM’s general approach is quite different. We want to empower our students, by telling them it’s not difficult, you can do it, you can read Pinyin even from Lesson 1, and don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

So we have asked the teacher to adjust her approach lesson by lesson.