Upper Intermediate Course Teaching Instructions

Course Overview

HSK 4 course is comprised of 4 terms. Each term is for 10 weeks on weekday evenings or 5 weeks intensive over Saturdays. Each term covers 5 lessons (五篇课文) on the Standard Course HSK 4 textbooks. Basically it’s to learn two lessons per Unit.

Students will join as

accomplished Intermediate HSK 3 graduates who have learnt most of the Chinese grammatical structures, who can organise their language to continuously talk with a native speaker without the use of English, who can memorise 800+ words and 400+ Hanzi.

Students will graduate as

  • Confident independent speakers who can discuss in greater depth regarding a broad range of topics all in Chinese, who has the language skills to explain what they want to say even sometimes without the right words, who can continuously engage in a conversation with a native speaker
  • Retained 1000-1500 words

Key topics in discussion

  • Romantic relationship 爱情
  • Friendship 友谊
  • Profession 工作
  • Making money 赚钱
  • Online shopping 网购
  • Consumption 消费
  • Physical health 身体健康
  • Mental health 精神健康
  • Success 成功
  • Happiness 幸福
  • Reading 阅读
  • Creativities 生活创意
  • Cultural celebrations 文化
  • Environmental protection 环境保护
  • Education 教育
  • Changes 改变
  • Nature 自然
  • Technology 科技
  • Lifestyle 生活方式


The Students

At this level, students’ levels would vary. We commonly see Cantonese speakers or students who have been to China would have better fluency skills, while others might be a bit slower in responding to the teacher speaking Chinese only, and slow to speak up. Thus, it is important for the teacher to tailor the questions and tasks for different students and keep them stay engaged and motivated.

Another issue is with Hanzi, some students might have a good level of Hanzi reading, some might not at all. The HSK 4 textbooks might be hard for them to read. This could be challenging, and it requires the teacher to give some help, like offering the reading material with Pinyin, or pair students up to help each other etc.

Another thing you may find is some students can understand your question like 你觉得精神健康重要吗? But they will struggle to come up with answers more than a one-liner. Thus, the teacher can guide their speaking with more scaffolding questions like 如果你每天都不开心,那会影响你的工作吗? So students can continue to engage in the conversation.

At this level, we are not learning grammar. Some students might still struggle with sentence structures. Also to tell one’s opinion on a topic, it’s more common to use 复句 with logical conjunctions etc. Teachers should pick up the opportunity when suited to help them revise the sentence structures and do some drills. For example, 对…的印象不好, 被…影响了.

Another good tip is to train students to navigate around words they haven’t learnt. The skill to become an independent speaker is to use alternative ways for the message. For example, the word student would like to say is 快递, but they can also say 送包裹的人。

There are some translation tasks in this level, instead of doing single sentences, they are doing a small paragraph. Students might try to translate them word by word, which will come out wrong or funny, it’s important to guide them to think beyond the individual words, try to grasp the meaning of the whole sentence, and then try to express the message as a whole. Or assist them to figure out how to say each individual word, and then put those words into a sentence.

1)Textbook: Standard Course HSK 4 (上) for HSK 4 Term 1 – Term 2; Standard Course HSK 4 (下) for HSK 4 Term 3 – Term 4.

2)It’s important to understand the two main tasks in teaching this level. One is to create engaging topics for students to do the speaking practice. The second is to help students to learn and memorise the vocabularies around the topics.

3)Each of our teaching PPT covers one Unit 一个单元, there is a collection of activities targeted to train speaking, reading, listening, vocabulary etc. It’s important to understand how to use them and use them well. Use our sample teaching plan to have a grasp, but feel free to design your own flow.

4)It’s paramount that class at this level, should be student-centred, they should be speaking most of the time, the class should never be quiet! 

Please request access to Zoho folder below:

Zoho Material Folder

Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4

PM Immersive Videos

Level 4 Videos


The Materials

Important Learning Tools & Links


  • Sign up to this course Quizlet class first, you and your students will need to request for access, headoffice will approve when the requests come through.
  • Look at the video, learn to use Quizlet functions, especially Live Group Game.
  • Encourage students to use Quizlet to review words after lessons. Here below is the installation instructions.

Instructions to install Quizlet

  1. Install Quizlet from your App Store
  2. Sign Up an account
  3. Join the class here: https://quizlet.com/join/Fe78mVran
  4. Wait for PM approval (within 24hrs), refresh the App to have access
Sign up to this Class


  • Access to each lesson Kahoot tests below.
  • It’s an interactive assessment tool, try to avoid students getting too competitive or frustrated by it
  • Control your time with this section, it’s normally about 10 mins max, best after students learn grammar or when they need a bit of fun!

Unit 1 Warm-Up

Unit 1 选词比赛

Unit 2 Warm-Up

Unit 2 选词比赛

Unit 3 选词比赛

Unit 4 选词比赛

Unit 5 选词比赛

Term 1 End of Term 听力对错

听力内容: 1.我和他是在朋友家里认识的,虽然第一次见面的时候没怎么聊天,但是他给我的印象很深。后来我们进了同一家公司,才慢慢熟悉起来。 2. 现在朋友之间经常发幽默短信,给我们的生活带来一些快乐。但是如果同样的幽默短信你收到了三四次,你也笑不出来了。 3. 去面试的时候衣服要穿得正式一些,不能太随便,这样能给面试者留下好的第一印象。 4. 大家请注意,现在休息十五分钟,十点半大家一起照相。 5. 现在流行网上购物,越来越多的人在网上买东西,因为在网上买东西很方便,而且比去商店买便宜。 6. 大学毕业后他去的公司经常让他去国外,短短一年时间,他就去了十几个国家

Unit 6 选词比赛

Unit 7 选词比赛

Unit 8 选词比赛

Unit 9 选词比赛

Unit 10 选词比赛

Term 2 End of Term 听力对错

听力内容: 1.该不该买房子,这是个值得考虑的问题。因为现在很高的放假,将来可能会降下来,但也有可能变得更高。 2.尽管很辛苦,但他还是每天锻炼一个小时,几个月下来,减肥效果很不错。 3.小李最近心情不好可能是上次比赛没打好,受到了很多影响。你最好找个时间跟他谈一下。 4.如果一个人做事积极,努力,那么再聪明也很难成功。 5.科学研究发现,经常笑的人更容易感到幸福,而且更不容易生病。 6.对不起,先生,那种蛋糕已经卖完了,不过你常常则中蛋糕,味道也不错。

Unit 11 Warm Up

Unit 11 选词比赛

Unit 12 选词比赛

Unit 13 选词比赛

Unit 14 选词比赛

Unit 15 选词比赛

Term 3 End of Term 听力对错

听力内容:1. 通过交流,你不但可以增加对别人的了解,还可以从不同的人那里得到不同的知识,经验。 2. 我认真考虑了,也和父母商量过了,最后还是不去那家公司了。我想继续留在北京,看看还没有别的机会。 3. 我们班有三分之二的同学都去过动物园了,咱们得换个地方,我们商量一下去哪儿玩儿吧。 4. 为了减少塑料袋的环境污染危害,现在超市不再提供免费的塑料袋了。有需要的顾客,可以向超市购买。 5. 昨天晚上我工作到很晚才睡,今天手机的闹钟都没听到,醒的时候已经九点了。 6. 大人有时候会很羡慕孩子,因为孩子的世界不复杂,所以他们总是很快乐。他们也是最诚实的,不会怀疑别人。

Unit 16 选词比赛

Unit 17 选词比赛

Unit 18 选词比赛

Unit 19 选词比赛

Unit 20 选词比赛

Term 4 End of Term 听力对错

听力内容: 1. 办签证需要准备哪些材料,我不太清楚,不过我可以帮你打电话问问大使馆。 2. 很多司机喜欢开车时听广播,因为可以了解堵车的情况,而且也不会觉得太无聊。 3. 遇到危险时,哭不能解决任何问题,你应该想办法求助别人,在这之前,要让自己冷静下来。 4. 我想租个离地铁站近点儿的房子,但是周围环境不能太吵,房租最好也别太贵。 5. 各位乘客,你们好,感谢大家乘坐本次航班,我们为你准备了饮料和小吃,请您在座位上等一下。 6.第一次见女朋友的时候他紧张极了,脸和耳朵都红了,不敢看女朋友的眼睛,

Teaching Plan Download

How to use these teaching plans?

These teaching plans help you to form a structured course, giving you time reference to control the class progress to inline with other classes. But it’s not limiting you to other ways of teaching the class the way that suits you and the students.

Sample Teaching Plan
No Intensive Version

How to teach

Term Start & Term End

Term Start: Firstly, to tell students the learning objectives of this level (if new) and this term. This is followed by a brief introduction to PM methods (the Total Fluency Course slide). For ice breaking, we recommend doing Mingle Small Talks – there are conversation cards to be used printed or digital, hand them out to students to chat to each other, it’s always exciting to talk to someone new.

Term End: An end of term quiz can be used as a fun way to review what has been taught in a term. You can organise a different kind, like 识字, 组词, 词汇挑战, 中翻英, 听力, 辩论, 趣味心理测验, or play a super fun board game.

Each teaching PPT covers one Unit of the book, the PPT gives a flow already, similar to a teaching plan, please refer to the teaching plan sample for time control reference. There is material outside of the PPT that you can use to organise the activities. Each of the activities is designed to engage students with practising 听说读写, but all should be organised as student-centred 学生练. There is much less teaching 老师教 in this level, take a step back, take good control of the flow, give clear instructions to do each activity, and have fun talking with your students.

How to teach

PPT 课件 & Activities



This level we are trying to create the class as a truly immersive class with our native speaker videos throughout the class.

Three Part Videos + Mingle Cards

The videos and cards are all based on the same questions, teachers can warm up the students by answering the questions first, then watch the videos to see how a native speakers would answer to these questions. At the same time, it’s also native natural speech for listening practice. Bear in mind – some videos are easy while some can be difficult, use them depending on the level of your class. Also discussion first or listening first is your choice.

前菜 –  they are the type of questions that ask about personal experience, can be answered quick and simple, like 你是个爱浪漫的人吗? Students at this early stage of the lesson without learning the vocabularies might just answer these questions with simple answers. Thus they are great for warming up to the lesson topic at the very beginning.

主菜 – is the type of the questions that will require some organised thought to answer, heavy-weight questions like 你觉得结婚重要吗? These questions are more thought-provoking and could be controversial, but that’s the reason why students could have something to say. Thus they are arranged at the middle of the Unit, so students would have some vocabularies to use.

甜品 – is the type of questions that ask for a personal story, like 说说你最喜欢的一部爱情电影. These questions will again be good chitchatting topics. Students can talk about any of their personal stories, so it’s not a controlled discussion, ideally to be placed at the end of the Unit learning.

讲来听听 – Warm-up questions to introduce the topic or question related to the texts from the HSK 4 coursebook you will assign your students to read next.

Text Reading – There are 3 conversations for reading practice in the HSK 4 textbook, before reading set a task for students, to find out answers for 3 questions. After reading, if students can answer these questions correctly, that means they got it. You can continue to talk about vocabularies and grammar points in these texts.

Vocabulary on PPT – Each slide contains a new word, related or similar words, example sentences; bear in mind some students can’t read Hanzi, encourage the ones who can to read the sentences out, or teacher might have to help. You might end up spending quite a lot of time on this if you don’t control it well. There is no need to go through every word in the same amount of time, tackle the difficult ones, and pass through the easy ones.

Grammar 句型语法 – there is no structural grammar knowledge to learn in HSK 4, so most of these are about particular words and their particular uses.

Read & Discuss

Part 1

Listening Games

Liven Up

After reading the 3 texts and all the vocabularies, students would be quite drained by now. It’s time to introduce some games to liven up the class!

Pair listening: Five listening comprehension questions. It can be conducted S to S, or T to S. One person reads out the paragraph, the other listen and decide if the statement is true or false.

问题大挑战: 12 questions regarding vocabulary, useful expressions and topic of each lesson. It’s again a quick listen and answer game, and it’s a much-loved game by PM students. Again, you can organise it S to S, or T to S. Bells and penalty cards are also available to pick up from the head office to make the game more fun.

Translation Club – we have translated the last 2 texts on the HSK 4 textbook back to English, and we ask students to translate them back to Chinese. You can do this either in class, work in pairs. Or as Homework. This exercise is quite good, as it helps students to avoid speaking Chinglish, and make sentences closer to Chinese patterns. That said, as long as their sentences make sense, it’s ok to pass. At the end, ask them to read the Chinese original texts on the book, they would find out the difference of use of language on their own.

Vocabulary on PPT – Each slide contains a new word, related or similar words, example sentences; bear in mind some students can’t read Hanzi, encourage the ones who can to read the sentences out, or teacher might have to help. You might end up spending quite a lot of time on this if you don’t control it well. There is no need to go through every word in the same amount of time, tackle the difficult ones, and pass through the easy ones.

Grammar 句型语法 – there is no structural grammar knowledge to learn in HSK 4, so most of these are about particular words and their particular uses.

Translate & Discuss

Part 2

Vocabulary + Hanzi


Vocabulary cards & Pictures : Vocabulary cards containing Pinyin, Hanzi and English explanation. You can use it in multiple ways. For instance, they can be used it for 看图说话 (match the cards with the pictures and make a sentence to tell the relation), or  你说我猜 (ask students to use other words or actions to describe a word, the others guess).

汉字 Bingo: The rule is that students cross the word after the command from the teacher and the first one who has a line wins. There are many ways you can use a Bingo sheet to help your students to recap each unit. 1)Bingo X Listening: The teacher will say a sentence in Chinese that contains the target word to see if students are able to capture the word in that sentence; the Teacher will say words one by one in English 2)Bingo X Sentence-Building: Within a limited time (one minute) to see how many words that students can use in their sentence. The more, the merrier.

汉字 Lego: This activity is designed to reinforce students’ words recognition. Physical sets are contained in our teacher’s pack. Different sets can be given to different students or teams. Ask them to put all the character cards available into words. If teach online, can open the Hanzi Lego file and show students 2 sets of characters one after another. For each set, give them 2 minutes and ask them to make as many words as they can. When time is up, can find out who’s got the most words.

Quizlet: online Quizlet flashcards created for each lesson. You can click the “live” function and let students play against each other in class as a way to end a lesson. You can also assign it as homework. Be careful, to play Quizlet, students need to use their own device connected to internet. Also, try the Quizlet link provided before class and make sure it works for you.

Kahoot: online Kahoot game created for each lesson. This is a much-loved activity by PM students. It can be used at the end of a lesson to assess students’ progress and help them to recap the important vocabulary. Be careful, to play Kahoot, students need to use their own device connected to internet. For online students, they might need to use their phone or a second screen.

造句练习: Putting words in right order. It can be a bit challenging for our students if they can’t read Hanzi or forget the words. Students can work in pairs or individually, they can say the answer out or type them into the class WhatsApp group.

Students would be speaking mostly in Chinese in this class, so the upgraded fluency output practise is to encourage them to express with more organised thoughts. The method we use is by asking more abstract and logical questions.

Discussion: the mingle cards provide the same questions they are presented to the native speakers in the videos, as well as 讲来听听 before each story reading are all open questions asking for class discussions.

Debate Club: we introduce a controversial topic, to engage students with thoughts and opinions, let students choose a side and articulate why they support the side. This of course can be done in groups, give them enough time to prepare their speeches, and give them time to express, it’s almost all student led, teachers can just be the host and help.


Discussion & Debates

Transactions: the last two texts from the textbooks have been translated to English, so students can do the 英翻中 as a practise, and compare their translation to the original texts.

Writing Club: this writing topic is related to the debate, if you have done the debate in class, ask the students to write their speeches properly in writing.

Reading Club: PM written articles especially suitable for students’ current level. While covering each lesson topic and vocabulary, it also helps to expand students’ vocabulary bank. However, some students might find this challenging and have questions about how to use some of the supplementary words. This can be used as homework, or as speed reading 快速阅读 test, read in 10 mins and answer the 5 questions.

Culture Club: send students a relevant video from Youtube or other online source, have a watch of the real life story or cultural phenomenon.


A few options

Mix and match different activities

As you can see, there are loads of teaching resources available in each lesson. You can follow the teaching flow suggested by each lesson’s course PPT. However, also feel free to mix and match and organise the teaching flow the way you find it suitable for students’ language level and learning ability. We find ending each class with a competitive game, such as Kahoot, Quizlet or 问题大挑战, works well with our students. We also find jazzing the flow differently sometimes will increase students’ engagement.

Various types of homework

Depending on your flow or your student’s strength and weakness, you can assign homework every week or every other week for them.

Some types of homework mentioned above are – translation (first week), reading club, writing club (second week), and of course vocabulary reviews on their Quizlet flashcard apps. Some teacher will assign easier homework like 句子排序 for weaker class.

Adjust to teach students with different abilities

Assign different questions to different students based on difficulty level. Ask higher ability students to answer questions first and allow the lower ability students to absorb the questions and follow others’ examples.

Give the faster individuals or groups additional material/ tasks to work on, while providing support for the slower individuals or groups.

Skip some activities like Lego or video listening if you find suitable, focus on helping your class practise on what they are weak at, and what they want to be good at.

What If These Happens?

Demo Lesson Videos

These pre-recorded demo lesson videos will give you some insights of how other teachers organise their classes. We give comments throughout the videos to highlight the parts recommended, and/or not recommended. Bear in mind, each class is different, the best practise is still to connect with your students, and offer them what they need / want, with good teaching techniques that you can learn from PM.

Unit 5 pt 1

Unit 13 pt 2


This teacher has very good techniques in organising an interactive and engaging class. She has a friendly and chatty style, so students are speaking up, she’s always very encouraging and taking care of both the class and individuals. She creates laughters in the class, it’s easy to follow her for two hours without feeling drained. She gives clear instructions to smoothly get students’ attention towards each activity she sets out to do.

All in all, her lessons are good examples of how our Level 4 lessons should be conducted. If to point out the only shortcoming would be – she could have had a Word class note; her students are quite weak in Hanzi, we didn’t have the Pinyin version of PPT for them, but sometimes, it might be necessary to teach them Hanzi on top of the PM lesson plan.

Unit 2 pt 1



This teacher is quite familiar with the Level 4 teaching material. She stands up in the class most of the time, she doesn’t speak that much English and speaks quite slowly for the students to follow. Her students are quite relaxed and they are happy to speak up in class, luckily their levels are not too bad.

A couple of things we’d like to point out here and in the video would be – the class could be designed with a variety of pair work and teacher guided class discussions, a combo of 放羊式 and 集体式. At the same time, teacher shouldn’t distance herself from student’s learning process, go between them and offer individual help during their reading or discussions. Lastly, each of the activity should be organised with a smooth transition, and after learning offer enough practise for the students. It could be quite easy for teachers to just lecture through the PPT, but that’s not student-centered learning!

Unit 3 pt 2



This teacher is very good at academic knowledge of Chinese, she speaks Chinese to the level that the students can understand, she speak 99% in Chinese.

The very obvious style of her is that she lectures, throughout the video, it’s 80-90% teacher speaking, explaining. Students could get better at listening, but they don’t have the opportunity to speak and practise. This is again not student-centered method. It could be due to the limitation of online lessons (Zoom can use Room for pair work). However, to achieve the balance of 70% student practise, and 30% teacher tutorial has always been the goal for our group classes. We advertised so, and we should deliver each lesson as so. This is not a good example of it.

Unit 4 pt 1

Unit 4 pt 2


Waiting for Jiaqi’s videos

Unit 9 pt 1

Unit 9 pt 2


This teacher has lots of experience teaching Chinese, she understands what students are struggling with, so she designs practise for them, including Hanzi and new words usage. On top of that, she uses task based methods to engage students, for example, instead of asking students to read the texts, she asks them to do filling the blank, or dialogue rearranging practise instead. She gives two different homeworks for each week, the easy one being the sentence order, the harder one being the writing. Last but not least, she gives very good class notes, all that the students talk about, she puts them onto a note and dated it for them. It’s a very good practise for all teachers of higher level.

One thing to note though, perhaps can reduce the amount of English used, of course not when you are explaining something hard. But in general, less and less English would be helpful for students’ immersive class experience.