As much as it’s easy to list the Top 5 Reasons to learn Mandarin Chinese, we would like to tell you from our students’ point of view, why they have invested all the effort and time to learn this language.

Top One Reason – Interest in the new and old China. We can’t forget about the glorious and mysterious history of China which leads to a nation’s profound cultural background. We can’t overlook the prosperous development of the new China which brings it under spotlights from the world. We are all connected in this world, learning one of the world’s most ancient language opens the door for the whole of Far East culture. Is that fascinating?

Reason 2 – Learn a new language is a challenge one can take pride in life. Why stop learning? We could be so busy with our daily life that the appetitive for new things starts to reduce. New learning experience is important to fuel our energy and train our brain. The “Feel Good” factor of being able to speak Mandarin is one that’s totally for your enjoyment.

Reason 3 – You will be light year ahead of others in the job market for China related positions. To take further advantage of work connection with China, or maybe take the leap of applying for jobs in China, learning Mandarin is a great start, and a great proof of commitment too.

Reason 4 – Family connection is a strong and irreplaceable motivation. Being able to connect with your extended family in the original language, certainly puts weight on the importance of taking a formal course to study, then practise at home, even though a lot of students do report, it’s harder to speak Chinese with their family. Anyway, with like 1.2 billion native speakers in the world, you will have lots of other people to talk to as well.

Reason 5 – How wonderful to travel to a country and speak the native language with local people. You might end up buying twice more Chinese souvenir with half of the money when you can bargain like a pro!

What about yours?