Sandrine: I started to learn Chinese 2 years and 1/2 ago not having any knowledge at all and after that time I can now make sentences , read some character and listen to some dialogue. I decided to learn Chinese because I love languages and I needed a new challenge for my brain!! I can tell mandarin will challenge your brain!!
I like attending Practical Mandarin classes as the class is very energetic same as the teacher ! Because of a respected amount of students in the class everyone can easily learn , participate and practice their Chinese. The class is very interactive. The content is diverse using different subject and situation .
Teacher: Sandrine is our philosopher! When most students would make sentences like “The weather in autumn in London is beautiful”, she would say “every city every season has its beauty if you know how to appreciate life”. Quite challenging for the teacher actually, to find the right words for her poetic thoughts. Being a multi-linguistics, she learns Chinese with dedication and fun. She would say a big “YES” when she made the right response to me, in Chinese of course.